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The surprising science of happiness

       This talk is given by a sociologist who is speaking about the development of the human brain over the last 2 million years. How our human brains have developed from homohabilis to homo sapiens. He points out that our human brain has developed in size, but this doesn't mean it only got better; it means that it also developed new structures. What he means by the new structure is the frontier lobe or the prefrontal cortex. He describes the idea of what makes having the prefrontal cortex a significant development in the human brain. He explains that its strategic function is an adaptation, or rather acting as an experience simulator. This is what helps us in many situations when we have to make a decision about something. We can run the experience in our brains without actually doing it in the real world. Then we come up with a decision based on the simulation and not the real experience. Then he moves on to discuss happiness providing different examples of what h...
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"like beauty, my friend, ‘tis in the eye of the beholder”

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TEDxToronto - Drew Dudley "Leading with Lollipops"

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Grit: the power of passion and perseverance | Angela Lee Duckworth

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"The Danger of a Single Story" Ted Talk

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What does it mean to be vulnerable?

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